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Video Recording from 2020 Midwest Women's Herbal Conference Virtual Event with Dominique Christina & Robin Rose Bennett.


Poetry with Dominique Christina 

Dominique Christina is an award-winning poet, author, educator, and activist. She holds five national poetry slam titles in four years, including the 2014 & 2012 Women of the World Slam Champion and 2011 National Poetry Slam Champion. Her work is greatly influenced by her family's legacy in the Civil Rights Movement and by the idea that words make worlds. She is the author of four books and four children. Her third book, This Is Woman's Work, published by SoundsTrue Publishing, is the radical exploration of 20 archetypal incarnations of womanness and the creative process. She is a writer/actor for the HBO series High Maintenance Season


Keynote: Embodying the teachings of the Plants in Evolutionary Times - Human beings share the same innate instructions as all living beings, to grow and evolve. When wise women plant gardens, we help the plants grow an{pd fulfill their natural orientation to become who they are. How can we do the same and make a difference in our world? We will explore how to strengthen our relationship with the elements and the ways in which plants grow us: helping us to become who we truly are as they teach us to practice presence, honor our uniqueness, and walk in deep connection with Earth in joyful and loving service for the benefit of the larger communities of life we belong to. Participants are encouraged to bring a stone to hold and focus on during a special breakout session of this keynote


Robin Rose Bennett is a story-teller, writer, and green witch herbalist. She has been offering classes in Wisewoman Healing Ways: Herbal Medicine and EarthSpirit Teachings since 1986 - at herb conferences, festivals, clinics, medical and nursing schools, and most joyously, outside with the plants. Robin Rose shares herbal medicine with gratitude - for the loving generosity of the plants and the magic, mystery, and beauty of the web of life. She is on the faculty of the New York Open Center and the Arbor-Vitae School of Traditional Herbalism, and is the author of two meditation CD’s and the books: Healing Magic- A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living and The Gift of Healing Herbs- Plant Medicines and Home Remedies for a Vibrantly Healthy Life. (FB: WiseWoman Healing Ways, IG: @RobinRoseBennett, YouTube: Robin Rose Bennett - Plant Medicine and Poetry Series) For more information, visit


MWH 2020 Keynote - Embodying Plants | Dominique Christina & Robin Rose Bennett

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